A worth adversary
While using Automation Tools today, a website had the audacity to tell me they suspected me of using Automation Tools! A couple hours later I have gained the website’s trust and am browsing automatically without hassle.
I’m leaving out the website and the detecting security vendor.
Factors of analysis
1) Window Size: Detecting the default ChromeDriver window size.
2) User Agent:
user_agent = random.choice(valid_windows_user_agents)
ua_input = 'user-agent=' + user_agent
3) Pace: Moving too fast. Consitency of action patterns too strong.
time.sleep(randrange(19,35)) #19-35 seconds delay
4) Referrer: Chrome starts on a “blank” page. Arriving to the website from the “blank” page is inhuman (unless it’s your Chrome landing page)